7:  World Heavyweight Championship Match: Alberto Del Rio (c) vs. Jack Swagger

Wrestlemania 29

Left to right: World Heavyweight Champion Alberto Del Rio, Jack Swagger

This is a tough one for me to choose. These two are going to be evenly matched since they’re both very experienced grapplers with some very deadly submission moves. They’ve gotten a lot of heat since Swagger has been positioned as the vicious Tea Party xenophobe against the heroic Del Rio. Along with the heated rhetoric, Swagger broke the ankle of Del Rio’s manager Ricardo Rodriguez, making things even more personal for Del Rio.

Even though it could go either way, I don’t see Swagger winning this one. He still has yet to be publicly punished by the company for his DUI and drug possession a few months ago, and I don’t think that they’ll let him leave WrestleMania 29 with the gold around his waist with such a recent black mark on his record. At least, they shouldn’t. Because……..

Winner: Dolph Ziggler

Yes, I know this is cheating, but I’m certain Dolph will be cashing in his Money in the Bank Contract on the winner of this match. His latest catchphrase is “stealing the show” and if he wins both the Tag Team Championship match and the World Heavyweight Championship match, he’ll be the biggest show-stealer ever.

Click here for Page 9: Brock Lesnar vs. Triple H