2: Tons of Funk & The Funkadactyls vs. Team Rhodes Scholars & The Bella Twins

Wrestlemania 29

There’s really nothing of major importance behind this match. The Rhodes Scholars lost a good deal of momentum when they temporarily broke up after being defeated by Team Hell No at the Royal Rumble (Why did Creative even have them break up?) but Tons of Funk (ugh) & the Funkadactyl seem to be moderately popular stable at the moment. The Bellas just returned after months of being gone from the company, and a ‘Mania record would go a long way towards getting them some good direction.

If they want to give the tag team division some depth and importance, I’d say that in this case Team Rhodes Scholars should walk away with the victory, but they probably won’t. Either Brodus or Tensai will end up smashing Sandow or Rhodes for the pinfall.

Winner: Tons of Funk & the Funkadactyls.

Click here for Page 4: Chris Jericho vs. Fandango