It’s only just hit the big screen, but it looks like Richard Linklater’s twelve year project Boyhood has just been announced for a criterion release. There’s no date attached, but Linklater is already promising something really special for home video release that includes interviews from the cast and crew as far back as 2002. 

Linklater says:

“We’ve got a ton of behind the scenes stuff. We made this in the era where everyone has a digital camera so we unearthed an interview from year one with Ellar, Lorelai, Patricia and myself, Patricia interviewed me in 2002. I hadn’t seen this since we shot it, Ellar had forgotten quite a bit of it but he got to see himself as a wide-eyed six year old. For people who like the movie, I think there will be a lot of cool little treasures.” 

This is huge news for fans of the movie and blu-ray collectors like myself. Twleve years of production is nothing short of a gold mine for great stories and intriguing insight into this truly unique creative process. Boyhood’s rich history makes it the perfect 2013 candidate to see the criterion treatment.

I caught Boyhood at the Phoenix Film Festival earlier this year and it was one of the most surreal, innovative, and personable films I’ve ever seen. It’s a coming of age story that blends nostalgia, personal experiences, and recent history seamlessly to capture the story of an entire generation as well as the trials we all take on as we grow up. I immediately fell in love with it and am very anxious to catch it a second and even third time. 

I’m ecstatic about the announcement of a high profile criterion release as this movie deserves nothing less than the most prestigious special home video release. Boyhood is a movie I can’t recommend enough and still takes my top spot of the year so far. Keep your eyes peeled for more on the criterion release of Boyhood and until then make sure to check your local listings to see if Boyhood has opened near you.