Episode No. 1,100 of WWE Monday Night Raw opens with Stephanie McMahon coming out to the ring. Last we saw of McMahon, she was throwing up all over Vickie Guerrero after Roman Reigns spiked her coffee. Stephanie is all smiles. This will likely be where she fires Guerrero. Yep, she calls out Guerrero. Stephanie tells her that she has been living off the coattails of Eddie Guerrero for too many years. Guerrero said that she would even beg for her job and McMahon told her to get on her knees. Guerrero did it and Stephanie called her pathetic.

McMahon said that Vickie Guerrero is either fired or she can remain Smackdown’s GM if she wins a match tonight against Stephanie McMahon. When it looked like Vickie was going to back out, Vickie Guerrero got in Stephanie’s face and said that people respect the Guerrero name more than the McMahon name, that Eddie taught her how to lie, cheat and steal, and if Stephanie doesn’t mind, “Excuse Me!” The fans might have just started chanting Vickie for the first time ever.

Jimmy Uso vs. Luke Harper

Jey Uso vs. Erick Rowan

The Wyatt Family came out to very strange theme music with an organ (or accordion or something similar) playing “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands.” The match lasted like one minute with Luke Harper hitting the big clothesline for the win. After the match Jey Uso challenged Erick Rowan and then hit the suicide dive onto both members of the Wyatt Family. Uso won the 50-50 booking here. After the match ended, The Wyatt Family destroyed both Usos and then posed in the ring with the titles until the lights went out and Bray Wyatt popped up on the big screen where he talked about The Wyatt Family winning the tag titles on Sunday while Bray himself wins the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.

Winner: Luke Harper (*)

Winner: Jey Uso (* ½)

Daniel Bryan will make his first appearance since losing the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at the Money in the Bank Kickoff show on Sunday. Up next is a promo where Rusev and Lana are sightseeing in Washington DC – a classic WWE promo tool.

Alicia Fox vs. Naomi

Paige is on commentary for this match. The breakup of the Funkadactyls is coming and you can tell because Cameron refuses to smile during their dancing and looks unhappy. Cameron joins commentary as well. Cameron said that Naomi is not a threat the Paige’s title, but Paige reminds Cameron that Naomi beat Paige and Cameron didn’t. Naomi won the match and looked great doing so. Sadly, the match was overshadowed by Cameron talking too much. After the match, Paige held up her title to Naomi and then shook her hand, as Cameron yawned at ringside. Paige and Naomi will fight at Money in the Bank on Sunday.

Winner: Naomi (**)

Titus O’Neil vs. Bo Dallas

Last week, Titus O’Neil not only lost one match to Adam Rose, but challenged him to a second and lost again. Bo Dallas: “Last week you fell off your horse, but you got back on and then fell off again.” Titus actually looked good in this match and dominated for about a minute before Dallas snuck in a Bo-Dog for the win. After he won, Dallas told Titus that he is now “9-and-Bo.” O’Neil slapped the mic out of his hands. Dallas retrieved it and blamed his own butter fingers and told Titus to get back on that horse and don’t stop Bo-lieving.

Winner: Bo Dallas (**)

Triple H is out next. He names the men who are in the match and those men are Seth Rollins, Kofi Kingston, Jack Swagger, Dolph Ziggler, Rob Van Vam and Bad News Barrett (strange to not see Dean Ambrose in the match). Rollins comes out next after Triple H calls him a technician and the future of the WWE. The fans are chanting “you sold out” and Rollins said it was three weeks ago and they should get over it. In the middle of his promo, he said people will call him “Mr. Money in the Bank” which brought RVD out.

RVD said no one is taking him seriously, and Rollins said he could take him seriously if it was 2005. RVD brought up crushing Triple H’s trachea at the Elimination Chamber. RVD challenges Seth Rollins right now and Triple H agrees.

Rob Van Dam vs. Seth Rollins

The match was really good and Seth Rollins looked fantastic in the match. Actually, Rollins was about to win the match – clean – after a buckle bomb and the curb stomp, but Dean Ambrose ran in and attacked him. Amborse just beat the living hell out of Rollins. He even did the run across the announcer’s table and fly off onto Rollins move. Rollins finally ran and got away. Ambrose then said they might as well put him in the match or he will show up anyway, beat up Rollins and steal the briefcase, ruining the whole pay-per-view if they don’t. Backstage after the match, Rollins asked for Ambrose to be put in the match so he can keep his eyes on him and then stand over him after he wins the briefcase. I like this Seth Rollins.

Winner: Seth Rollins by DQ (***)

Intercontinental Championship: Bad News Barrett vs. Dolph Ziggler

Bad News Barrett came out and insulted Washington’s “racist and always losing” football team. This was Ziggler’s best match in a long, long time. Then, it just became amazing. Ziggler kicked out of Winds of Change and Wasteland while Barrett kicked out of the Fameasser and Zig Zag. There were a ton of near falls and the match was just great. It finally ended when Ziggler went for the Stinger Splash and Barrett hit him with the Bull Hammer.

Winner: Bad News Barrett (****)

Mud Match: Stephanie McMahon vs. Vickie Guerrero

Vickie came out first and then Stephanie came out still in her dress. It is a chocolate pooding pool match and Stephanie sent out Layla, Alicia Fox and Rosa Mendes to attack Vickie. Vicki sent all three of them into the pool but then McMahon hit the knee into Vickie’s back to send her in. Then, as Vickie is covered from head to toe in chocolate, Stephanie McMahon starts singing “Hey Hey Hey Good Bye,” but stupidly gets between Vickie and the pool. Vickie grabs McMahon, Stephanie tells her to think of her retirement but Vickie throws Stephanie in head first. For the first time since McMahon became an on-screen villain again, she finally got what she deserved. Vickie then went to the top of the ramp to Eddie Guerrero’s music and did the Eddie shimmy dance before blowing a kiss into the sky. It was a dumb segment that was made awesome thanks to the end with Vickie finally getting revenge.

Winner: Stephanie McMahon (***)

Byron Saxton is backstage and asks Goldust to talk about the transformation from Cody Rhodes into Stardust. Goldust said that it was not a transformation and then the lights went out and Stardust came in and sang “When You Wish Upon a Star” before showing the stars on his hands. He blew glitter and left and then Goldust said now he is the normal one.

Jack Swagger vs. Kofi Kingston

Kofi Kingston dominated a lot of the match but Swagger ended up winning when he locked Kofi in the Patriot Lock and Kofi had to tap out.

Winner: Jack Swagger (* ½)

Backstage, Renee Young is going to interview someone but Alberto Del Rio interrupts the interview. That brought in Paul Heyman and Cesaro. Del Rio asks if Cesaro ever speaks for himself or if he is just a puppet. Cesaro said he would but that he only speaks five languages but none of them is loser.

Damien Sandow vs. Big E

Damien Sandow is in the ring dressed as Abraham Lincoln. He said that people didn’t find him entertaining, but how do they like him now? Big E came out and interrupted the Sandow promo. Big E won in a squash match and the WWE continues to bury the once promising Damien Sandow while the announcers continue to laugh like idiots at the stupidity. After the match, Big E took a mic and said that “enough is enough” when it comes to Lana and Rusev and this is actually a good promo for Big E (his first good promo since he was called up). That brought out Lana. As she was talking, Rusev came from out of nowhere and nailed Big E from behind and destroyed Big E.

Winner: Big E (1/2 *)

Backstage, Renee Young is with John Cena.

John Cena, Sheamus and Roman Reigns vs. Bray Wyatt, Randy Orton, Alberto Del Rio and Cesaro

This was a good match as expected and it was Roman Reigns who played the face in peril for much of the match. The end came when everyone started pulling out their finishing moves on each other until Cena actually blocked Del Rio’s and hit the AA. He turned into Cesaro’s HUGE forearm but then Sheamus hit the Brogue Kick for the win. After the match, Kane came to the ring. He threw Reigns into the ringside barrier, hit the choke slam on Sheamus, Cena and Del Rio. Then, Triple H came out and announced that Kane is the eight member of the WWE title ladder match. Kane made his explosion and then Roman Reigns speared him from out of nowhere to end the show.

Winners: John Cena, Sheamus and Roman Reigns (** ½)