The Breakdown

It had been a year since serial killer Joe Carroll was killed.

Molly comes into Brian’s house after food was delivered and stabs him. His wife (Claire) comes out and she fights with Molly and is stabbed as well. In the hospital Brian asks Mike how is Claire, he is told that she is dead.

On a train in New York, 3 men in masks enter the subway cars. They look around and start screaming “resurrection” and “Ryan Hardy cant stop us”. They begin to stab most of the passengers. 5 of the passengers died and 1 survived. Mike is asked by Phillips to go New York to help consult on the subway murders.


A man in a apartment building stands next to the mailbox and watches a woman. When she is about to go into her apartment the man smiles.  Brian is about to give a press conference about the subway murders when two police officers come to get him to look at the subway scene. The creepy man that was in the apartment hallway is in bed with the woman, this wouldn’t be so bad if she wasn’t dead. He speaks to her as of she is alive.

Mike and Ryan meet at the hospital in order to interview the survivor. She tells him about what the killers said on the train.

Back at the apartment Mr. Crazy is dancing with Heather (the dead girl) and doing her make up and then proceeds to dress her. He tells her to get up. When she shockingly doesn’t move, he says “I need help with Heather”. The man goes into the bathroom where another man gets out of the shower. The two men look exactly alike.


The police have footage of the subway scene. The have identified one man (Carlos Perez). The police are still trying to figure out if these men are copycat killers or 3 of the 8 members of Carroll ‘ s cult that are still alive. Ryan wants out of the case and goes home. When he gets there he goes to a secret room that has evidence on the Carroll case all over the wall.

Ryan goes to Carlos’ house and waits for him to get home. When Carlos arrives he tries to take off. Ryan grabs him and hits him with his gun several times until Carlos talks. Carlos tells Ryan that he hadn’t seen Joe since the lighthouse. Carlos tries to grab a gun when Ryan stops him. Carlos then hits Ryan on the hand and runs out of the building. During the chase Ryan is hit by a taxi cab.


Ryan gets up and goes back to Carlos’ house, Ryan finds the Joe Carroll masks and a book with Heather in it with her picture circled. After Ryan leaves a woman in ink hair goes up to Carlos’ house. Ryan asks Max to get info on Heather. Ryan is told that she was found dead 45 minutes ago. Ryan goes to the crime scene and Mike asks for his help. Ryan tells him he does not have anything to offer.

At a safe house Carlos is with a woman when Mark and Luke (the twins at Heather apartment) come by. Carlos is begging for his life and they decide to spare him. .. After they slap him in the neck.


Two women from Carroll’s cult (including the pink haired one) want to know who are these copycat killers. One was sent to Carlos house when Carlos wasn’t there. She did see Ryan leaving. Ryan is at his house and pulls out the Carroll mask out of a bag and puts it on. In the middle of no where a woman is watching the news, who is covering the subway murders. The woman calls Carroll to watch. Carroll sees Ryan on TV saying that he isn’t involved with the subway investigation. Carroll says we will see about that

 The Analyst 

This was more I expected from this show. It was sad to see Claire die so soon in the season. I think the murderers donning the Joe Carroll mask was a great idea. As for the one that Carroll has I wonder what is his plan with it.