The WWE TLC pay-per-view takes place on Sunday night, Dec. 15, and the main event is being promoted as the biggest match in WWE history as the WWE Championship (former WWF Championship) and World Championship (former WCW/NWA Championship) will be united as John Cena battles Randy Orton in a “Tables, Ladders and Chairs” match. Here is the WWE TLC preview from Renegade Cinema.


John Cena (world title) puts his belt on the line against Randy Orton (WWE champion) in a “Tables, Ladders and Chairs” match where both titles are hanging above the ring. Triple H has guaranteed that there will be one champion when all is said and done, but with four months of screw job endings on WWE PPV’s, it is hard to believe that this one will be any different.

Predicted Winner: Randy Orton


The first of two 3-on-1 handicap matches sees The Shield take on CM Punk. Neither of the matches favor the solo wrestlers, but this one at least has dissension being teased as Dean Ambrose’s arrogance is seeming to splinter the once solid trio of wrestlers. Will Roman Reigns get tired of Ambrose’s posing and cost him the match? That seems to be the only way this one could end well for CM Punk, but I expect subterfuge.

Predicted Winner: The Shield


The second 3-on-1 handicap match sees Daniel Bryan take on The Wyatt Family. Unlike The Shield, there is no dissension in the ranks of the Wyatt Family. However, there is the question of whether or not Bryan will join the ranks of The Wyatt Family. While that would make no sense, I fear the WWE will want to try to kill off his immense popularity so they can move on and push their “chosen stars.” There is no better way to kill his heat than by turning him bad right now. But, the WWE can’t be that stupid, can they?

Predicted Winner: The Wyatt Family


The most recent changes to the WWE TLC pay-per-view sees the tag team champion combination of Cody Rhodes and Goldust defend their titles in a four-way match with The Real Americans, Ryback and Curtis Axel, and Big Show and Rey Mysterio. With Antonio Cesaro’s rumored upcoming face turn and the newness of Axel and Ryback, I don’t see the Rhodes brothers losing the titles yet.

Predicted Winner: Cody Rhodes and Goldust


AJ Lee is still the most entertaining character in the Divas division but Natalya is the best in-ring wrestler. Natalya is also a much better option to hold the WWE Divas title than the Bella Twins, so if the WWE wants to see a member of the Total Divas show hold the belt, this is the time to pull the trigger.

Predicted Winner: Natalya


The Intercontinental title is supposed to get a big push when the two world titles are unified, and it should return to what it once represented – the secondary title to the world belt and the one that the next generation of stars vie for. That makes this match a perfect example as Big E Langston and Damien Sandow are the future and both men look to be part of a promising next generation of superstars. Sandow has been earmarked for the main event scene, and Big E needs this belt more than Sandow.

Predicted Winner: Big E Langston


This is the pre-show match that everyone can watch for free before the pay-per-view event. On one side, you have a talented wrestler shoehorned with a bad gimmick that he has somehow managed to get over with the crowd. On the other side is one of the most entertaining wrestlers in the WWE whose push has died since becoming a fan favorite. Ziggler has more upward momentum than Fandango, and should win here, but with him there is no telling.

Predicted Winner: Dolph Ziggler

The WWE TLC pay-per-view kicks off at 8 p.m. EST with the pre-show starting at 7:30 p.m. on