“Will you be first?”

This Renegade Reporter goes on record right now as loving the Paranormal Activity films. Even the weakest installment of the series — that would be part 4 for those scoring at home — managed to produce enough chills and backstory to the overall mythos of the PA universe to be deemed successful, IMHO. Part 3 was exceptional in its backtracking explanation of Toby and the genesis of the demonic infestation. Some thought that the Latino-focused spinoff, The Marked Ones, would be a side journey not necessarily related to the overall story arc, but a viral teaser just released today, complete with furniture smashing and young Katie and Kristie making a black-eyed appearance, proves that The Marked Ones may indeed be just as important a piece to the overall puzzle. View the teaser below.

[fresh_video url=”http://youtu.be/nucFmQQhSr0″]

Looks like a marketing campaign has begun to be one of the “first” cities to view the next PA installment which will be released on an unsuspecting public in the first week of January 2014. While the outcome of such contests, as proven by the decidedly purposeful slow rollout of previous films, may be viewed as dubious at best, this type of advertising still is effective, especially when there is the tantalizing prospect of having a few more answers revealed. Will this ad and film generate more interest in the more “official” PA5 slated for October 2014, the traditional release time frame of PA films that was skipped this past Halloween season? For me, the answer is yes. I think we’re in for a better ride than anticipated with The Marked Ones early next year. How about you? Discuss below.

Souce: Ain’t It Cool