20th Century has announced their plans to move forward with yet another Wolverine sequel.  The Wolverine director James Mangold is in talks to take the directors chair again and Hugh Jackman is expected to reprise his role once again as the hot-headed mutant.

I haven’t seen The Wolverine yet (Pacific Rim came out around the same time) but from what I hear it’s a vast improvement X-Men Origins: Wolverine.  If that’s the case then I am fully on board with another Wolverine movie.  While there a bit a dark period with X-Men: The Last Stand and Origins, Fox made a nice creative recovery with First Class, Wolverine, and quite possibly Days of Future Past.

I have to say though, even though I don’t have any objections with another Wolverine film (or at least not as much as I did a year ago), I’m a little surprised with Fox’s plans.  Jackman’s contract to play Wolverine expires after next year’s Days of Future Past and he’s indicated that he has no plans to continue the role after this movie.  He has played the character for a over a decade over the course of six films, so at this point replacing him would be like replacing Iron Man or Jack Sparrow.  Unless they can get Jackman to come back, there’s really no point in making it at all.

What did you think of The Wolverine?  Would you watch another movie with Wolverine?  Are you excited for Days of Future Past?  Let us know in the comment section below.       

Source: Badass Digest