Man of Steel has finally flown into cineplexes and boy is it doing mega numbers. Now, with such success, Henry Cavill is now a bankable star and everyone wants to learn about the new leading man.

Comic Book Movie  caught up with the British actor to ask about becoming the world’s oldest superhero. In the interview, Cavill talks about how Superman’s journey in the film is very similar to his own experiences with acting.

Henry Cavill Talks Man of SteelAs an actor I spent from the age of 17 travelling the world trying to find work and to find out if I was even right for this kind of job. So trying to find my space in this industry was very much the same kind of thing that Clark Kent experienced. Over time we become more comfortable in our own skin and so we discover more about ourselves.

Cavill further discusses the long road he had in becoming the world famous Man of Steel. Back in the early part of 2000’s, Cavill was once attached to embrace Clark Kent in a McG directed version of Superman. Here is what he had to say about those experiences.

I was wandering around these studios many, many years ago hoping to be part of the Superman story and then the movie never happened. And now, years later, I get the opportunity again and because I had been there before I had a bit more of an insight and I feared it less.

As fate would suggest, it appears Cavill was destined for this role and it was all just a factor on when the time was right. Despite what critics believe, Man of Steel is a good movie and Cavill is perfect as Clark Kent/Kal-El. I cannot wait to see where they take the character going forward.

Source: ComicBook Movie