Bleeding Cool recently got a scoop from Marvel’s Creative Summit claiming that there is a plan to have Wolverine killed in 2014. They reported that the method in which Wolverine would die would have to get around the issues of his healing factor and his supernatural deal with the Azrael, the Angel of Death that keeps him coming back again and again and again.

The scoop goes to to hint that we could see the beginnings of it in the upcoming crossover event, The Ultron War, where the use of time travel affects Wolverine’s body in a way like never before, and in the process, he may cross one line too many.

Seeing as Wolverine is one of Marvel’s most popular heroes, this is some big news, but it’s not as big as it could have been years ago, despite the fact that Wolverine is more important to the X-Men right now than he has been for years. There’s an old saying that says “Nobody stays dead in comic books.” That cliche has been especially overused in the past few decades. It’s no longer gutsy or shocking to see iconic heroes die. At this point, it’s a boring cliche to see major characters get killed off, and it’s almost always a cheap way to get book sales. Everyone will want to own the issue where Wolverine dies, and that’ll get sales through the roof.

The source also mentioned that Marvel has plans involving Wolverine’s son, Daken, though he couldn’t comment on what those plans are. It’s possible that Daken could temporarily replace Wolverine until Marvel inevitably revives Logan for some other story. That’s a common occurrence. Dick Grayson recently replaced Batman when it looked like he had been killed in battle, as did Bucky Barnes when Captain America was assassinated by The Red Skull.

What do you think about the idea of Wolverine finally dying? Should it happen? Do you think Daken could replace his father? Be sure and tell us what you think down below!

Source: Comic Book Movie