Grant Morrison has been one of the most respected comic book writers in the business for over twenty years. Many fans place him in the same elite group of writers as Alan Moore and Neil Gaiman, commonly believed to be two of the best ever. Morrison himself wrote the excellent All-Star Superman and worked on the Batman books for years on years and he was able to bring a great deal of new life to the mythology of Batman while at the same time exploring the character’s decades-old history .

Yahoo recently took the time to speak to the eccentric writer and get his thoughts on some of the comic book films that came out this year.

Morrison had some perspectives on Iron Man 3. Firstly, he believed that the average moviegoers who step into the auditoriums just to see the latest Iron Man movie are missing out by not reading the comics.

“They’re missing the full spectrum of these character’s emotional lives.The most important thing is the long involved soap operas. It’s a type of narrative that you don’t get anywhere else except on very long running soap operas, where characters can go into depth. 20 pages every month going into these characters lives over decades give you a lot more insight and a lot more involvement than say a two hour movie, even with Robert Downey Jr.”

In case you’re wondering what Grant Morrison thought of the controversial twist ending in Iron Man 3, you may be surprised by his enlightened response.

“In Australia, Aboriginal artists, every generation goes in and repaints the cave paintings. And they all tell the same stories over generations. And that’s what we do. The human species tells the same stories over and over again. Stories of heroes and villains. And I think we have to update them for each new generation. Any fans who cling on to maybe a version of something they read when they were children are really just hanging on to a past. The world’s moved on. There’s new children. They want their version of it. So I think it’s very important to freshen these things up and to update them and to move them forward and to look at them in the context of all the things we’re interested in now.”

That’s a very mature and intellectual school of thought. He does have a point on how fans tend to take their love of the series in a more selfish direction.

Grant MorrisonAlong with writing the excellent All-Star Superman, Morrison also helped the Man of Tomorrow arrive in the world of the New 52. He has been writing Action Comics, Superman’s original book, since the inception of the new universe and his final installment of the story, Action Comics #18 is in stores this week. I recommend both of those titles, especially All-Star Superman.

Yahoo also asked Grant Morrison about one of the most anticipated comic book films this year, the upcoming Man of Steel.

 “I’m really looking forward to it. There’s a very good chance this is going to be the Superman movie that changes the movie perception of Superman.”

They also asked if he had any involvement on the project.

“I’ve spoken to [screenwriter] David Goyer, not about the ‘Man of Steel,’ but I know he’s used a couple of my lines from some of my Superman stuff in it. And that’s the only involvement I’ve had. But that’s good enough for me.”

Morrison didn’t say which projects the lines had been borrowed from, so we’ll just have to find out the old-fashioned way.

What do you think of what Morrison had to say here? Do you agree with his ideas on Iron Man 3? What lines do you think that Goyer used for Man of Steel? Why don’t you just tell us what you think in the comments below?

Source: Yahoo