Finally the Ninja Turtles cast Splinter – the wise mutated rat – which means most of the major roles are finally being filled for the 2014 reboot. Today we’re getting closer to the end of lead casting for the new Ninja Turtles with Danny Woodburn stepping in the famous role of Master Splinter. Most younger readers will remember him as Big Figure from Watchmen. Some of our old school readers know him as Mickey from Seinfeild.

The casting of Danny Woodburn says a lot about the direction everyone is taking with the new version of Master Splinter. The Ninja Turtles cast splinterold version of Splinter was a human size rat, but it seems that Bay and crew are going for maybe a Yoda size Splinter, which honestly, I’m not against this idea.

As of now, we still have no word on major Ninja Turtles roles such as Casey Jones and Shredder. As always, when we hear some major news regarding Ninja Turtles, we will have it for you at Renegade Cinema.

Ninja Turtles hits theaters June 6, 2014! What do you think about Ninja Turtles casting of Splinter?

Source: Deadline