This week the final 4 compete for a spot in the finale. Led into a series of sets that look like a jail and a courthouse, they meet McKenzie to learn their Spotlight Challenge. Inspired by Godzilla and King Kong, they are challenged to make a kaiju based on a newspaper headline.

The Assignments

Drew- Giant Sloth Slashes Shanghai

Cig- Yeti Crab Crushes Kremlin

George- Deadly Squid Destroys Dubai

Dina- Mantis Preys on Paris

After learning of their challenge, they are introduced to an Emmy nominated actor, Clifton Collins Jr., who will be joining the Judges on the reveal stage. With a few tips from Collins, they get to work sketching on the designs that will decide their fate.

Day One

Everyone is in good spirits and get straight work, concentrating on making the best creature they can. Michael Westmore comes to give advice, telling George that he needs to vary his color choices, or his paint job will look muddy. He offers very specific tips to Dina, Drew and Cig as well. He is particularly harsh on Cig, telling him his will look like a gorilla in a crab costume, and suggesting that he add more crab details. After Westmore leaves, Cig walks away in frustration. When he returns he comes with a new idea, to add antennae to sell the crab part of the concept.

Drew struggles with how to make his sloth’s giant hands and claws, and incorporating the hair. It’s a lot to do in only 3 days.

Day Two

George finds that his chest piece hasn’t cured, and isn’t usable. He has to figure out an alternative. He decides to rerun it in poly foam, which is much more rigid. Dina works on making all the segments for her mantis. Cig feels better about his concept today, adding spikes and other details to make it shine. George starts to despair, realizing he’s bitten off more than he can chew.

Drew decides to incorporate a burn makeup , after realizing that the hair application is taking too long. Telling the story of battle damage done to his giant sloth by the armed forces.

Day Three

Drew enters to find that his cowl is covered in micro bubbling, and scrambles to repair it. Dina’s cowl doesn’t fit right, and she has to add a bald cap to make it fit right. Then its all down to the paint job.

At the last minute Drew decides to tear off all the hair work he put on and extend the burn makeup to both sides. The color on his creature looks dubious, making his spot in the finale seem iffy. Cig and Dina’s spots seem assured. George hopes that Drew has messed up worse than he has.


The judges are impressed by Dina’s makeup, and Cig’s as well. They are strangely impressed with George’s work, mistakenly believing he was intentionally trying to get a 60’s hokey monster movie feel. They also seem to like Drew’s sloth sculpt.





Winner: Dina

Voted Out: George

The Judge’s lack of criticism  and well, judgement, makes me wonder of Clifton Collin’s Jr. brought ‘special’ brownies to the set. Dina and Cig seemed a lock, but Drew and George’s creatures were just awful. The paint job, the execution, the over all design of George’s work, nothing was really redeemable. Dina’s mantis was exceptional, she definitely deserved the win. Despite seeming high, the right choices were made.

When the Contestants return to the stage, there are torches, shields and swords. They are told that these props are a hint at the finale’s theme. They are told that the season will end the way it began, with life and death.