If there are two things that a lot of people say that they want to see, it is more diversity in comic book movies. In other words, people want someone other than white male superheroes leading their movies. Well, Marvel Cinematic Universe head honcho Kevin Feige said something that should make those people happy.

There is going to be a Black Panther and Captain Marvel movie, meaning that we will get the first African American led Marvel movie since Blade and the first Marvel female led movie since Elektra. Now, if fans want another female action movie after this, they need to get out and support this when it comes out.

For his credit, Feige made sure to explain that they are not making these to quell fan’s demands. He claims the plans for the movies have always been there, it was just a matter of when the time was right. With Guardians of the Galaxy proving that Marvel can take a chance and still knock it out of the park, now is a good time to start pushing the envelop. It’s all about a good story anyway.

“They’re both characters that we like, that development work has been done on and continues to be done on and certainly the public…,” Feige told IGN in an interview. “I’ve always said we have our plan and it served us very well and there hasn’t been anything that has made us deviate or change from that based on opinion because opinions online change and they alter, and they’re based on sort of limited information they have towards what’s going on behind-the-scenes. But in this particular case I think it is a groundswell. I think it does. I think it means something substantial.”

That all sounds great. Honestly, with the Infinity Gem storyline coming, and the Kree surely involved, we have the perfect setup for the introduction of Carol Danvers as Captain Marvel. As for Black Panther, he has been rumored for a long time and should be the next hero introduced after Doctor Strange.

What are your thoughts? Are you excited about Black Panther and Captain Marvel movies? Is there another female Marvel character you would like to see get her own movie instead? Chime in below with your comments.