The question of who would dodge first in the game of chicken between Disney (Marvel) and Warner Bros. (DC Comics) has been answered as Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice has moved to a March 25, 2016 release date. That is now over a month before Captain America 3 hits, while originally the two were booked for the same weekend.

The release dates for all the DC Comics movies have been released through 2020 and it looks like, after Batman V Superman, there will be a Wonder Woman movie, a Shazam movie, and a Justice League movie, with the team-up likely happening as the first movie after Batman V Superman, with a 2017 release date.

From Entertainment Weekly:

DC has a lot riding on Dawn of Justice, obviously, with the pressure to establish a super-superfranchise on par with The Avengers (or even Guardians of the Galaxy). Dan Fellman, Warner Bros.’ president of domestic distribution, says that some of those untitled DC movies should begin to be announced later this month—Shazam?—and that the first real Justice League adventure might be closer than you think. Might they build on the momentum of Dawn of Justice in 2016 with a quick sequel incorporating more classic characters, rather than waiting the traditional two or three years?

If Fellman is right, then Justice League might start shooting as soon as Batman V Superman is finished and be ready for a July 2017 release date. Warner Bros. and DC Comics are supposed to have an announcement by the end of this month, so expect some news quick on not only what is coming, but maybe what The Rock’s secret DC Comics property is.