The Breakdown

A new recruit goes for his first day at Cybertech. The recruit is a part of the initiative program. The trainer/recruiter looks at the security cameras and sees that SHIELD agents are at the door. The man tells the recruit that they don’t like SHIELD. The trainer announces to ‘Let them have it”

May, Coulson and Sky rummage through the guards at the Cybertech facility. Upon one of the soldiers seeing May. He says “look the Calvary” is here. May tells him don’t call her that. May proceeds to beat him down. They get Skye access to the computer so she can start the Trojan. Garrett is feeling stronger than ever with the GH-325 serum working in his body. Quinn and Rena are mad because Garrett took all of the serum. Quinn is worried that they will have no way to stabilize super soldiers but Rena tells him that they are hiring new recruits to become new soldiers. Garrett thanks Ward for staying with him and keeping him alive. Garrett wants to know what Ward wants because Garrett has everything he wanted. Coulson tells the team that Fitz ad Simmons got the tracker on the BUS. Skye has the BUS passing over New Mexico last. Fitz and Simmons are at the bottom of the ocean in the pod. They could die down there because supplies are low and no one is looking for them because SHIELD signals are not being used anymore.

Agents of SHIELD

Photo by Kelsey McNeal / ABC

Garrett talks to Rena over the box of Gravitonium that he stole from the slingshot. Rena believes that Garrett may be going crazy. Garrett tells her that the GH-325 has show him things. He can see into people’s souls and a new world order is coming which he is leading the way for blah, blah, blah. there is a new evolution. Rena tells Garrett that she was disappointed that he was the clairvoyant because she had a question to ask. Rena wants to know what will she become. Fitz and Simmons are at the bottom of the ocean wondering what death is like. They eventually think of a way to get the pod to the ocean surface. Triplet and Coulson ambush the caravan that has dropped off the US Army generals to the Cybertech labs.

In the Labs Quinn is hosting the generals to tell them about the super soldiers and how the program works. Quinn wants to expand the lab to build up to a 100 soldiers a day. Outside of the facility, gun fire and missiles (from Coulson and Triplet) go off. The general wants to know what is going on. Garrett tells them no need to worry, this offends the generals. Garrett preaches another doom and gloom story, HYDRA is the light speech. Quinn tries to change the subject to bring up a test demonstration of the super soldiers. Garrett agrees, and then rips a rib-bone from out of the General’s chest. Garrett proceeds to stabs him with it.

Quinn and Rena are packing up with the Gravitonium and leaving. Ward comes up to Rena to ask why is she trying to steal the Gravitonium? Rena tells him that Garrett gave it to them. Ward tells Rena that Garrett has lost it. Rena tells Ward that Garrett is seeing the light. Rena believes he (Garrett) is right about everything. Rena also tells Ward that Garrett said that Ward and Skye will be together. Skye will be a part of the new evolution. Rena tells Ward that maybe him and Skye can be “monsters” together. May and Skye have entered the Cybertech facility via the hole that Coulson and Triplet blew through the doors. May takes out the guard who is a super solider.

Agents of SHIELD

Photo by Kelsey McNeal / ABC

Skye marches in the office and tells everyone that she has a bomb. The recruiter goes to the computer. Skye asks him has he set the soldiers to default? He asks how she knows that. There are 5 soldiers outside of the vehicle that Coulson and Triplet are in. They are attacking the vehicle, breaking the glass about to make their way in. The default setting sends a command to them to save Garrett at any cost. This was a part of Coulson’s plan so that the soldiers will lead him to Garrett. Coulson tells Triplet that if they don’t make it out to burn the place to the ground. Garrett is with Ward and Deathlok. Ward is asking Garrett for orders. Garrett asks Ward what do you want to do? Ward is getting furious with Garrett. Skye calls Garrett from the phone in the Cybertech office. Garrett laughs her call off. Garrett brags to Skye that Fitz and Simmons put up a good fight before they died. Garrett finally tells Ward to go and get Skye.

Deathlok stays by Garrett as he has been directed to never leave Garrett’s side. Garrett tells Deathlok that he loves him. At the bottom of the ocean, Fitz has rigged the defibrillator to blow the window out of the pod. There is only one oxygen tank has one breath in it. Fitz wants Simmons to use it as she is a better swimmer. Simmons tells him no she is not doing this to him, Simmons tells Fitz that she is his best friend. Fitz tells Simmons that she is more than that to him but he never got the courage to tell her. He wants this action to show her how much she means to him. Before she can refute, Fitz blows the door. Simmons grabs Fitz and swims to the surface of the ocean. Simmons is trying to steady herself in the ocean. A hand grabs for her. The hand is of Nick Fury, Nick pulls them onto a plane.

Simmons is safe but Fury has to put her in a hyperbolic chamber. Fitz is hanging on to life barely. Fitz did not have a lot of oxygen in his body. He is with another team. Simmons asks how did they find her? Fury tells her the beacon they set up. Fury then asks if Simmons has a way he could find Coulson? Skye is still with the recruiter. The recruiter told Skye that only the handler can talk to the soldiers; if someone else tries the soldiers will self destruct. Skye has strapped the bomb to the recruiter. She has to set snooze every minute on her phone so that he doesn’t blow up. Ward comes into the room and tells the recruiter that Skye won’t kill him. “She had a chance to kill me but didn’t.” Skye tells him she doesn’t need to set off the bomb to kill Ward, she mentions that she has something more powerful. She said it’s something that he slept with and has been waiting for this.

Agents of SHIELD

Photo by Kelsey McNeal / ABC

May comes in and knocks the snot out of Ward then beats him senseless. The fight takes them to a back room where a lot of foreplay style fighting goes on. May ends up using a staple gun to staple Ward’s foot to the ground. She then begins to kick him repeatedly. A noise of gunfire and men screaming goes off in the room with Garret and Deathlok are. Deathlok goes to see what it is. Coulson punches Garrett from behind. Garrett punches Coulson back. Coulson flies to another part of the room. Skye takes the recruiter to another man and asks what does he have on you? The man gives Skye keys and the three of them go down a hallway. Skye opens up a door, the recruiter’s wife is locked in a room. When Coulson gets up he sees Fury. Fury tells Coulson that he went through a lot of trouble to keep him alive. Coulson tells Fury that he wants to talk to him about that but they have to punch Garrett in the teeth. Fury gives Coulson the gun that Loki killed him (Coulson) in The Avengers.

Coulson blasts all of the super solider with the gun and they disintegrate. Fury shoots Garrett about 13 times which Garrett gets back up from. Coulson and Fury look at Garrett with amazement. Garrett spews some more psycho babble. Fury tells Coulson “you didn’t tell me Garrett has gone this crazy”. Skye unlocks another door in the hallway to find Ace “Mike’s Son” siting in a room. Skye opens that bomb bag that was taped to the recruiter’s chest. She pulls out a Hulk doll. The recruiter is pissed but also tells Skye that they can’t talk to the handler. Skye pulls up her phone (that shows a live feed of Deathlok) and tells the recruiter she doesn’t need the handler, she’s been talking to Mike this while time. Skye asks Ace to tell her something that only him and his dad would know. As Garrett gets up he tells Fury that he inspired him with his speech that one man can accomplish anything. Fury gets upset because Garrett has misquoted him. The speech was that one man could be a part of a team that can accomplish anything. Fury asks Garrett that he joined HYDRA and has gone out of his mind because he miss heard him? Deathlok gets a message saying “Dad what are we” Mike finishes the statement “A team” and turns on Garrett and kills him.

Agents of SHIELD

Photo by Kelsey McNeal / ABC

Skye talks to Deathlok, Mike, and ask why isn’t he going to see his son? Mike tells her that he doesn’t want him to see what he’s become. Skye was told to bring Mike in, Skye doesn’t. Mike tells her that she can track his every move but he will be trying to fix everything that he has done. Ward is brought in. Coulson tells him that he will be put to internal and external torture. Garrett amazingly gets up and gets in the machine that makes the soldiers. Garrett presses a button and is outfitted with a Deathlok suit. Garrett says that this is why you cut the head off of a snake because…Coulson then shoots Garrett with the gun that was used to break through a wall at the slingshot. Coulson yells “I knew it would be here.”

Coulson is going in on Fury wondering why he saved him if Coulson even agreed that the program should only be used in extreme measure to save an Avenger. Fury says “exactly” and then tells Coulson how special he is to SHIELD’s core. Fury gives Coulson a little box called the toolkit then tells Coulson that he is now the head of SHIELD. Coulson is in charge of building it again the way that Coulson sees fit. The BUS lands at a base marked by the toolbox. Eric comes out and tells them this place is called the playground but that unofficial because it doesn’t exists. They wonder how Eric is alive. This is Billy Koeing. He tells the team that Eric died. He congratulated Coulson. Billy says they will get lanyards on a case by case basis. The team also sees Simmons, she tells them that Fitz is alive but will not be the same. Rena goes to a man that has quite a bit of blood coming from his hands. She tells him that “I know you thought I’d never see you again” then hands him a picture of Skye. Rena tells the man that she found his daughter.

After credits scene

In the beginning of the episode Garrett was drawing some strange circle and line patterns on a board. This same board is in the room with Agent Coulson. Coulson looks at the board, pulls out a knife and draws and expands the symbols that Garrett was drawing.

Agents of SHIELD

Photo by Kelsey McNeal / ABC

The Analyst

OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGG I am glad that this finale give us closer. I was a little worried that this show would leave us on a cliffhanger that wouldn’t be concluded until the Avengers 2: Age of Ultron. I am glad that this isn’t the case. There were talks that Coulson (Clark Gregg) would not be in the Avengers 2: Age of Ultron. I wonder was this to hide the finale of SHIELD or is this fact. Also being that Nick Fury told Coulson that he is leaving for a while, I guess this means we will have Avengers movie without Fury. Someone also asked why didn’t Coulson start writing the same crazy patterns that Garrett did earlier? Why is he just starting to do this? Whatever Garrett wrote “woke up,” in so many words, something that is inside Coulson as part of the GH-325 serum. Garrett had more of the serum so it came to him. Coulson had less of a dosage so he may not have the ability to start from scratch so to speak but he understands it and can possibly expand on it. I bet Skye does or will have this same ability.

Now as for Skye. The question that jumps out is who is her father and what has he done or what is he capable of. I know the casting has already happened so this isn’t a possibility right now but it would have been cool if Skye was Scarlet Witch, but then that would mean the man in the chair would have to be Magneto and that cause a causes of conflict with 20th Century Fox. I am a little disappointed that Ward will be no more and nether will Garrett. The thought of John Paxton playing Deathlok would have been great. But I guess there is another issue of where money gets in the way with our comic book fantasies. Either way, this was a great series finale.

Agents of SHIELD has been renewed and the ratings have been up over the last week weeks. The arrival of Samuel L. Jackson will add another rating spike. I think come Season 2, people will understand what this show is and the show will gain traction. I also think that a lot of people will realize that Marvel, with Agents of SHIELD, can pull rabbits out of it’s hat whenever it wants. See you in September.