Remember when Fox  quite recently announced the release dates of several tent-pole films and among them was an “Untitled Ridley Scott film” set to be released on March 4, 2016?  As it turns out, that mystery film is none other than Prometheus 2.  

I didn’t find this news to be particularly surprising and honestly I’m kind of wondering what the point was of keeping the title a secret in the first place if they were just going to let the cat out of bag so quickly afterwards.  

Screenwriter Michael Green (Green Lantern) has been hired to write the script which will apparently feature multiple David androids that would all presumably be played again by Michael Fassbender.

Of course, getting Fassbender to come back for another film could be difficult since Fassbender is a well respected and in-demand actor.  He could have a busy schedule by the time Prometheus 2 goes into production which would  likely already include X-Men: Apocalypse which is set to released less than three months after Prometheus 2.  Of course since both films are owned by Fox, the studio would probably be willing to accommodate Fassbender but I wouldn’t be surprised to see the release date for Prometheus 2 to change sometime in the future.

Do you think a sequel for Prometheus is a good idea?  Can it be an improvement over the first film?  Tell us what you think in the comment section below.

Source: Latino Review