The WWE held their final pay-per-view of 2013 and promised that the WWE TLC event would end with one unified world champion, starting a new era in the WWE. Here is a look at the WWE TLC recap and results of the big PPV event.

Before the pay-per-view started, the WWE had one pre-show match on between Dolph Ziggler and Fandango. The continued burial of Ziggler continued here in this match as Fandango picked up the win with his flying leg drop.


Triple H and Stephanie McMahon opened the actual WWE TLC pay-per-view and Triple H claimed that the WWE and world title will be unified for the first time in over 50 years (ignoring the fact that Chris Jericho did it 10 years ago).

The first match on the card was the 3-on-1 handicap match between CM Punk and The Shield. The end came after Roman Reigns injured his eye on a dive over the tables at ringside. Dean Ambrose and CM Punk were back in the ring and Reigns came in for the spear, but thanks to impaired vision, hit Ambrose on accident and CM Punk pinned Ambrose for the win.


In the next match, AJ Lee once again retained her Diva’s Championship by pinning Natalya with a roll up. Big E Langston also retained his Intercontinental title with a big win over Damien Sandow thanks to the Big Ending.

Cody Rhodes and Goldust put their tag team titles on the line in a Fatal 4-Way Match. This is an elimination match and the challengers are Ryback & Curtis Axel, The Real Americans and Big Show & Rey Mysterio. Goldust pinned Ryback, Big Show knocked out and pinned Antonio Cesaro and then Cody Rhodes pinned Rey Mysterio. Cody Rhodes and Goldust retain their titles.


Two unannounced, added WWE TLC matches took place next. In the first R-Truth pinned Brodus Clay in a match where Tensai and the Funkadactyls walked out on Clay. In the second, Kofi Kingston pinned The Miz in a No DQ match.

The second handicap match took place next as Daniel Bryan took on The Wyatt Family. Bryan kept up most of the match and held his own, but the numbers game got the better of Bryan and Bray Wyatt pinned him with the Sister Abigail in a relatively clean pinfall win.


The main event was a “Tables, Ladders and Chairs” match between world champion John Cena and WWE Champion Randy Orton with both titles on the line. The winner of this match is the new Unified Champion. The match was a hard hitting and brutal match and Orton beat Cena to unify the titles. It was the first clean win in almost six months of WWE pay-per-view main events.


The WWE TLC PPV ends with Mr. McMahon, Triple H and Stephanie McMahon coming down to congratulate Randy Orton to end the show.