The popular racing video game franchise Gran Turismo is now one step closer to the silver screen.  Screenwriter Alex Tse, who is probably best known for his work writing the script for Watchmen and is also currently rewriting the Highlander reboot has now been hired to pen the screenplay for a Gran Turismo movie.  No release date has been set yet but I suspect that won’t be very far behind.

This is just the latest in what seems to be a long line of video game movies set to come out over the next couple of years.  Release dates have already been announced for other popular video game franchises like Assassin’s Creed, Angry Birds, Warcraft, yet another Resident Evil installment, and Need for Speed (another popular racing game series).  I’ve voiced my displeasure for video game movies in the past so I find this particular trend especially troubling.  Maybe one or two of those could end up being halfway decent but let’s just say I’m a little less than optimistic.

What’s worse is that we’re talking about a car racing game.  The obvious comparison to make here is with the Fast and Furious series.  The problem with that comparison is that the early entries were light on plot and only began to get more interesting and financially successful once they mostly abandoned the drag racing angle.

Do you think a Gran Turismo movie can make for an interesting film?  Are you excited or troubled by the increasing number of video game adaptations?  Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below.

Source:  Slash Film