It has been – what – two days since we brought you the news that Batman vs Superman was going to include Dick Grayson? And, just like that, there is a front-runner to play Grayson in the movie. The Batman vs Superman casting rumors sees Adam Driver (Frances Ha, Lincoln, Inside Llewyn Davis) as the leading candidate as Grayson.

Now, I am almost 100% sure that Grayson will not be Robin. Since Batman is in his 40s in this movie, his days of training Robin will be in the past and the two of them should already have fallen out with Grayson giving up the short pants for either the police blues or the sleek Nighwing costume. I would bet we see Dick Grayson as a cop over Grayson as Nightwing, at least in this movie.

The description of Dick Grayson in the Batman vs. Superman casting call referred to a “John Hawkes type” and, by the look of the photos, Driver fits the description. He is also 6’3″, so he should measure up well with the other heroes in the movie (Ben Affleck and Henry Cavill), which is important if they want to make Grayson an equal – which at this point in their careers, he needs to be.

I don’t know anything about Adam Driver (although I plan to watch Frances Ha when it hits Criterion next week, so I will know more then), but the people whining that he doesn’t look like a “Robin” need to figure out what they are talking about. He looks like he could fit the adult Dick Grayson fine.