The Breakdown
This week’s episode of “WWE Monday Night Raw” opens with CM Punk coming to the ring. This leads right into a match against Luke Harper of the Wyatt Family. This is a revenge match after the family attacked Punk last week. The match was decently long and even had a commercial break before Punk won it with a roll up. Erick Rowan runs in and the two beat down Punk after the match. When Bray Wyatt came in to finish off Punk, Daniel Bryan ran in for the save and the two faces used chairs to chase off the bad guys.
Backstage, CM Punk states the obvious that he is not the only person who has a problem with the Wyatt Family.
After that, Paul Heyman calls in to talk about his injuries so no one forgets he exists.
Ryback and Khali fought next and the match was what you might expect until Ryback beat Khali with the meathook clothesline. He beat up Santino after the match as well.
Kofi Kingston fought Alberto Del Rio in the next match and the two put on a quality exhibition match, both men looking strong, and Del Rio coming out on top with the cross armbreaker submission.
I’ll mention here that they have been showing videos all through the show where JBL explains why it was important that Big Show was banned from the WWE for life. Here we get a video from his attorneys that shows everything Triple H and Stephanie McMahon have done to him to warrant a lawsuit – and he deserves it.
The fans voted on who Randy Orton would face next between The Miz, Dolph Ziggler and Big E Langston. Big E won in a landslide proving that the WWE have effectively buried Ziggler. The big man turned in a solid showing but lost to the RKO.
A mixed tag team match was next pitting Tyson Kidd and Natalya against Fandango and Summer Rae. Kidd made Fandango tap out to the sharpshooter. This match was here to sell the marriage of the two on Total Divas. I also want to point out that Tyson Kidd could pass off as A.J. Styles.
Up next, after a backstage interview with Damien Sandow, is a six-man match pitting John Cena, Cody Rhodes and Goldust against The Real Americans and Damien Sandow. This was a great match and Goldust is reinvigorated and looks better than he has in years. Awesome comeback for Goldust.
In the back, Big Show is in the building and no one knows why. Vickie Guerrero tells Triple H that Big Show is there and he wants to know how he got it. Stephanie McMahon shows up and Triple H tells her that Vickie let in Big Show, but Stephanie says she let him in. She said the Board of Directors have ordered them to settle with Big Show or else. Big Show demands to only negotiate in the ring.
In the next match, Curtis Axel took on Dolph Ziggler. In an interesting thought, Ziggler wrestles more like Axel’s father Mr. Perfect than Axel does (although Axel has similarities to his grandpa Larry “The Axe” Hennig. Ziggler won with the Zig Zag in the non-title match.
In the next two matches, The Usos beat 3MB and The Bellas and Eva Marie beat AJ Lee, Aksana and Tamina.
The final segment on the show saw Triple H call out Big Show to make his settlement offer. He asks Big Show how much he wants, and Big Show said he doesn’t want money. He said he wants his job back so he gets his job back. Then he said he wants a WWE title match at Survivor Series. The Shield then comes out. Big Show said he will sue them and own the company so they give him his title match.
Then, Triple H said that since Big Show works there again they are booking him in a handicap match right then with The Shield and Randy Orton. He starts to get the upper hand in the match and Kane comes out – in a suit – and tosses chairs to the bad guys. The show ends with The Shield putting Big Show through the announcer’s table.
The Analysis
This episode of “WWE Monday Night Raw” was kind of boring. I am a Big Show fan and like that angle, but I would rather see him fight Triple H. It sucks seeing two of the most over wrestlers in the WWE opening the show in the first match and having nothing to do with the rest of the show. It also sucks having them show the Big Show segments before every single commercial break. They even showed the lawyer one twice (it was great the first time).
The six man match was good, it was nice seeing Dolph Ziggler actually pick up a win and the Kingston vs. Del Rio match was also decent. From a storyline point of view, this show was about nothing but the Big Show angle and that made most of the show just a drag to watch.