When I interviewed Michael Biehn a couple of years back, he was really excited about his new career focus when it came to exploitation films. He told me that he always just thought that they were cheap, dirty films, but once he worked on Grindhouse with Robert Rodriguez he realized that they were a lot more than that.

He also said that they showed him that he could make some really interesting movies using the low-budget exploitation style. Biehn also really liked the remake of Straw Dogs, so you can kind of see which way he is heading with his production banner Blancbiehn Productions (in partnership with his wife Jennifer Blanc.

So far, the two have The Victim and Treachery and Biehn has also started starring in more of these movies as well, including The Divide and the upcoming Hidden in the Woods.

Hidden in the Woods is an American remake of a Chilean horror thriller En las Afueras de la Ciudad and stars Biehn as a pretty despicable and horrific father who abuses his family until one day the police learn what is going on and save them from his abuse. However, when their crazy drug kingpin uncle (William Forsythe) wants some drugs back that Biehn had, he orders him to break out of prison and get them back to him or he will kill his family.

The trailer is a strange mix – giving us someone that is scary and we want to go down and then apparently turning him into a vindictive family man who is trying to save the same family he was originally trying to hurt. There is exploitation and there is this. Check out the Hidden in the Woods trailer and let us know what you think. It is NSFW for language and violence.