Sam Worthington, A.K.A. Jake Sully from the movie Avatar, has been talking about the long-awaited sequel.  He claims filming of Avatar 2 will begin one year from now in October of 2014.

Avatar is the brilliant adventure to Pandora that James Cameron took us on back in 2009.  Sam mentioned this on a radio show (Nova 96.9) when he was in Australia promoting a book.  He also said, “I think Jim is building the ship to Pandora to be honest.”

We’ve been hearing dates for the Avatar sequels for some time now, each time further apart from the original film.  At one point, they were said to hit theaters beginning in 2014.  Based on current rumors Avatar 2, 3, and 4 will be filmed back to back and hit theaters the end of each year from 2016 to 2018.

The Avatar 2 screenplay will be the work of Josh Friedman (Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, War of the Worlds).  We hear all sorts of rumors before movies come out, but I suppose the teasing keeps them on movie goers’ minds as the wait lengthens.  Perhaps that whole “any publicity is good publicity” thing comes into play here.

What do you think?  Fact or Fiction?  Are you excited for the next three Avatar movies?