The Crow reboot scriptLatino Review has done it again. This time getting a hold of a copy of the The Crow reboot script and dishing on all the differences it features from the original. L-R writer Da7e produced a video detailing all the changes and giving his opinion on the project, which is in development at Relativity Media.

A few changes mentioned in the video are The Crow is a cop instead of a musician, he’s a kooky Christian who’s able to recite Bible verses, and he and his wife are both orphans who’ve known each other from childhood — oh and she’s a cop too. Check out the full video below:

I agree with Da7e completely — The Crow reboot script sounds utterly insipid and awful. Who’s clamoring for a new Crow film anyway? Can’t this terrible and generic concept just die along with other ’90s crap like Beanie Babies and Giga Pets? We’ve got Heath Ledger’s Joker now and the recent films of Quentin Tarantino have elevated the revenge theme in films beyond this childish drivel.

SOURCE: Latino Review