During an interview on The Howard Stern Show, Oscar front-runner J.K. Simmons was asked about the possibility of reprising his role as J. Jonah Jameson in future Spider-Man movies.  He admitted that it was a “possibility” and that he would be happy to play the role again if they offer it to him.

Personally, I think it would a be a great idea.  Jameson’s absence from the Amazing Spider-Man series has been one of the bigger disappointments of the franchise but it’s also understandable.  Simmons has been well established as the go to guy for this role to the point that he’s even played him in several Marvel animated series.  Because of that, it’s going to be close to impossible to ever find an actor to play Jameson that won’t be stuck in Simmons’ shadow.  So if they are going to use Jameson, why not bring Simmons back?

While I personally like the idea, I don’t see it happening.  I think Sony will be afraid the casting would cause some confusion among the fans that he’s playing the same character in two different franchises.  At the end of the day, the studio will probably opt to play it safe and continue to make Jameson an unseen character like he was in ASM2.  

Do you think Simmons will play J. Jonah Jameson in the Amazing Spider-Man series?  Do you think he should?  Tell us your thoughts in the comment section below.

Source: Cinema Blend