Kevin Spacey plays our favorite dirty politician, ascended to the highest office as President Underwood on Netflix’s hit show House of Cards, now he will cross the pond to play legendary Kevin spacey house of cards picBritish Prime Minister Winston Churchill in the new biopic movie Captain of the Gate.  The screenplay for the movie, being produced by Sierra/Affinity,  was written by Ben Kaplan. Kaplan’s primary writing interests seem to lay in historical drama, having tackled WWII and The Vietnam War as series documentaries, as well as a biographical TV movie on President Ronald Reagan that was aired on the History Channel. A Director has yet to be found to head up the endeavor, which is still in the early stages of production.

Photo by Cecil Beaton

Photo by Cecil Beaton

It’s somehow fitting that an American born actor should play the UK Prime Minister, Churchill having been born of a British Lord and an American Heiress. He described himself as “an English-Speaking Union”. His life reads like the stuff of great fiction, having been a notable war correspondent for 4 military campaigns previous to WWII, and writing 5 books by the age of 26. It was his escape from a Boer prison camp in 1899 that elevated him to national hero status and paved the way to his 60 year long career with the House of Commons. Churchill was known for being a force to be reckoned with, so who better to play the wartime leader than Kevin Spacey?

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” Winston Churchill


 Source: The Hollywood Reporter