WWE Monday Night Raw opens with The Big Show escorting Betty White out onto the stage and the fans started chanting her name. Big Show asked what they were going to do tonight so Betty White said she was going to “kick some ass.” That brought out Triple H and Stephanie McMahon. That was uncomfortable as Triple H gave the biggest shit eating grin to Big Show the entire time while Big Show just glared at him.

Triple H wanted to clarify that they did not say Daniel Bryan would be the Face of the WWE if he beat Randy Orton, but he said that he was considering all the men in the Elimination Chamber match, not just Daniel Bryan. Then Randy Orton came out and interrupted The Authority.

Orton apologized to Triple H and Stephanie McMahon for being selfish and immature. He said he will bring back The Viper for the rest of his title reign. Stephanie asked how they could trust him? He said he is the face of the WWE, not anyone and especially not Batista. Then Daniel Bryan came out.

Stephanie McMahon said she is tired of people interrupting their interviews and from now on all superstars would have to make an appointment with Kane. Daniel Bryan said that Kane was nowhere to be found except when he is doing The Authority’s bidding, like last week when he failed to keep Daniel Bryan from beating Kane.

WWE Monday Night Raw

Stephanie said that Kane was on a one-week administrative leave. Bryan asked who was giving their performance evaluation because they were a mix of arrogance and stupidity. Bryan brought up the time that Randy Orton handcuffed Triple H to the ropes and kissed Stephanie McMahon so Triple H told Daniel Bryan that he had the night off. The crowd chanted “No” to end the segment.

The first match of the night is a six-man tag team match pitting Rey Mysterio, Goldust and Cody Rhodes against The Wyatt Family. The Wyatt Family won when Bray Wyatt hit the Sister Abigail on Rey Mysterio. It was the best execution of the move I have seen because he caught a running Rey and smoothly connected with the move without his normal setup. After the match, Bray Wyatt cut a promo against The Shield.

WWE Monday Night Raw

Backstage, The Shield was being interviewed and the fact that Dean Ambrose isn’t defending his U.S. title came up. Reigns made a comment about it so Ambrose made an open challenge for his title and walked off. Then Betty White was backstage as well talking to the Divas and Vickie Guerrero but the New Age Outlaws came up and said they would be her protectors tonight and she seemed happy about it.

The next match saw Fandango, with Summer Rae, taking on Santino Marela, with Emma by his side. The Miz came out in the middle of the match to complain once again about not being booked while people like Fandango and Santino are. Fandango won the match.

Byron Saxton of NXT has been moved up to WWE Monday Night Raw to be a backstage interviewer. His first interview is with Sheamus. He basically said that he doesn’t care who gets in his way in the Elimination Chamber, he will go through them.

WWE Monday Night Raw

Sheamus was involved in the next match, teaming with Christian, to face The Real Americans. Three of the Elimination Chamber WWE World Championship match are in this match. Zeb Colter spoke about their opponents being “non-Americans.” After that, Antonio Cesaro talked about being the first real American to be a WWE World Champion, and Jack Swagger didn’t look happy. Colter had Cesaro start the match and the fans all chanted “We the People.” The match was a long match and ended with Sheamus kicking Jack Swagger in the face.

John Cena was interviewed backstage.

Alberto Del Rio and Dolph Ziggler wrestled next. Last year, these two men were fighting for the world title and now Ziggler is buried and Del Rio is being fed to Batista. The match was short and Del Rio won with his superkick. That was a very disappointing short match. After the match, Del Rio locked the cross armbreaker on Ziggler. Batista came in for the save (and was dressed to wrestle). Batista then KILLED Del Rio and put him through the announcer’s table with the Batista Bomb. Sounds like the fans are back on Batista’s side, at least for now.

WWE Monday Night Raw

Back from commercial, Triple H told Batista not to do that outside of matches. He said that Batista could have Alberto Del Rio at Elimination Chamber and he was just looking out for Batista. That caused Batista to say things have changed.

The next inductee into the 2014 WWE Hall of Fame class is Lita.

Backstage, The New Age Outlaws gave Betty White some tea and Road Dogg spiked it with something. However, when they weren’t looking, Betty White switched hers and Billy Gunn’s cups.

The Usos took on Ryback and Curtis Axel next with the New Age Outlaws at ringside on commentary. Road Dogg talked about why they wouldn’t defend their titles against The Usos while Billy Gunn was getting sick (the spiked tea). The Usos won the match by pinning Curtis Axel. After the match, Billy Gunn ran to the bathroom.

WWE Monday Night Raw

The open challenge for the United States Championship was next. Dean Ambrose came out to wait for whoever answered his challenge. Mark Henry answered the challenge. Roman Reigns thought it was funny and Dean Ambrose suddenly regretted his open challenge. Mark Henry hit the World’s Strongest Slam but Seth Rollins ran in to cause the DQ and save Ambrose’s title. Henry destroyed Rollins but then Roman Reigns hit the Big Spear and left Mark Henry lying.

As The Shield was leaving, The Wyatt Family showed up. The Shield actually came back and the two teams stood on opposite sides of the ring. The crowd loved this. The Shield got up on the ring and then The Wyatt Family did. The fans were eating this up. It was awesome stuff. The Shield got into the ring, Bray Wyatt faked it but then The Wyatt Family left as the crowd booed. The Shield wins this round.

For Black History Month, the WWE celebrated the career of BoBo Brazil

Aksana, AJ Lee and Alicia Fox took on Cameron and the Bella Twins. Cameron pinned Aksana to win the match.

WWE Monday Night Raw

Kane came out next and started apologized for his actions and said The Authority had nothing to do with it. Daniel Bryan then ran in the ring and attacked Kane. Kane almost hit a choke slam but Bryan fought back and tossed Kane out of the ring and kicked him over the barrier into the crowd. Kane ran while Bryan stood in the ring and the crowd chanted “Yes.”

John Cena vs. Randy Orton is up next. This was a great match, and unlike the Royal Rumble, the fans bought into it. Both men kicked out of each other’s finishing moves and Cena ended up winning with a second Attitude Adjustment. Great main event to end a really good show.

WWE Monday Night Raw