The fact of the matter is that the Oklahoma Film Rebate is pretty much crap. However, some rebate is better than no rebate at all and that makes the news that the Senate Finance Committee in Oklahoma voted to extend it very good news.

A big problem with the rebate is that it was hit hard in recent budget cuts. A lot of politicians in Oklahoma, as well as other backwards thinking people, can’t seem to understand how much money could be brought into Oklahoma with film productions.

There are even some idiots who think that Hollywood wants our money through the rebates when the fact is that the money that local businesses would make when movies are shot here would dwarf anything that the rebate would provide.

The Kevin Durant movie Thunderstruck had to shoot scenes in Louisiana that they faked to look like Oklahoma City since the Oklahoma Film Rebate ran dry that year. It was ridiculous.

Last year, August: Osage County was shot in Oklahoma and now it is nominated for some Academy Awards. While the awards don’t matter, the fact that local businesses thrived on the Hollywood production shooting in Oklahoma and employees in the state actually got work – which only helps the Oklahoma economy.

Anyway, here is the press release from the Oklahoma Film & Music Office:

It is my pleasure to let you know that SB 1721, which will extend the Oklahoma Film Enhancement Rebate Program’s sunset date until 7/1/24 was passed by the Senate Finance Committee on Tuesday, February 4, 2014 by a vote of 10-1.

  • Senator Mike Mazzei (R) – Chair YES
  • Senator Rick Brinkley (R) – Vice-Chair YES
  • Senator Cliff Aldridge (R) ABSTAIN
  • Senator Nathan Dahm (R) NO
  • Senator Kim David (R) YES
  • Senator John Ford (R) YES
  • Senator Jim Halligan (R) YES
  • Senator Constance Johnson (D) YES
  • Senator Al McAffrey (D) YES
  • Senator Frank Simpson (R) YES
  • Senator John Sparks (D) YES
  • Senator Greg Treat (R) YES

The bill now moves on to the Senate floor.

This is very encouraging news for the future of our Oklahoma production industry.  Thank you for your continuing support.

Tulsa people, Nathan Dahm is one of your representatives and wanted to eliminate the an opportunity for additional income for state businesses when he was the only person to vote against the Oklahoma Film Rebate. Think about that when you hit the polls.