Turns out the origin story festival of the past few years is still burning itself out. You’d think that with the numerous twitter complaints about how boring these movies are (so boring) that studios would finally bail on this stupid business. They haven’t. Instead, they’re expanding it from comic books to beloved Disney characters.

Possible Concept Art?
Apparently, the Snow White disaster of 2012 wasn’t a strong enough warning. We’re getting yet another Peter Pan origin story (Disney and Columbia have been developing prequels for ages). This time the project is coming from Warner Bros. The only redeeming element here is the top choice for director, Joe Wright (Atonement, Anna Karenina).
Wright is a very talented visual artist, with a knack for arranging his period aesthetics just so. Across his filmography, Wright has displayed a keen attention to historical detail, with just enough modernity to make the images look crisp through the camera lens. He’s also a master of setting the mood, which is going to be important in cultivating the whimsy at the heart of Peter Pan.
The question that remains is what sort of mood will Wright try to cultivate. There’s a well documented trend toward the gritty and dark, but that couldn’t have less to do with Peter Pan. Wright is more than capable of developing a fun, magical world for Peter Pan, but if Warner Bros wants a Batman Begins set in Never Never Land then I fear we’re in for a disaster of a movie.
Source: CinemaBlend