With WWE smack-dab in the middle of it’s ‘family friendly’ era, the thought of their movie studios releasing a See No Evil sequel to the 2006 horror movie seemed a lot less likely than everyone taking another trip with The Chaperon. However, it was announced recently that Jacob Goodnight would soon be returning from the dead to show a class of medical students that it doesn’t pay to mind your own business and try to build a successful career.

This is all according to Variety, which also lets us in on who the director[s] happen to be, the duo of Jen and Sylvia Soska. It’s always interesting when females get behind the camera for a more violent themed picture, as they can tend to bring fresh ideas, and always bring the goods in terms of the blood to show they can hang with anyone else in Hollywood.

Now, while I thought the first film was absolutely terrible, the See No Evil sequel has hope. There’s nothing better than an undead slasher who can use supernatural powers to execute outlandish kills of multiple variety. The first film was missing that in spades, not to mention the terrible characters and directions they took with them. Let’s also hope the release of the film doesn’t get played into an onscreen angle like it did the first time around, and that they at least name one of the characters Katie Vick.

SOURCE: Film School Rejects