Universal Studios recently held what basically came down to a “state of the union” look at what they have coming out in future. Adam Fogelson, the head of Universal, spoke a great deal about the studio’s upcoming projects and here are some highlights.

Oblivion – Fogelson said that they were happy with the price of the movie ($120 million) and have high hopes of selling the film, both based on its subject matter as well as the fact that Tom Cruise is a bankable star once again.

Snow White & The Huntsman – The first movie suffered from the controversy of Kristen Stewart cheating on Robert Pattinson with her married director, but that won’t stop a sequel. However, Rupert Sanders won’t direct the follow-up. Let’s just hope it is more Huntsman and less Snow.

The Bourne franchise – Fogelson said there will be more Bourne movies, and is 100-percent sure of that fact. Bourne Legacy sucked as a movie, although Jeremy Renner wasn’t bad. While Matt Damon said he wasn’t planning on returning, Fogelson seems to believe that he will be back for future installments. That will have to be seen to be believed.

47 Ronin – This Keanu Reeves directed movie has been pushed back further and further, making it look like it is not very good. Fogelson said that Keanu is successful in this genre, but really said nothing specific about this movie, or the fears that surround its quality.

Wicked – Its another Wizard of Oz movie, but unlike Sam Raimi’s new release, this one has a built in fan base based on the books and Broadway play. Fogelson said that Wicked is coming sooner rather than later.

Source: Chud.com