Latino Review’s El Mayimbe recently took the time to do an interview for Fox News Latino about the news of Harrison Ford returning to the role of Han Solo, but in the same conversation he dropped some very big news about Warner Bros.’ upcoming Man of Steel.
El Mayimbe said:
“They [WB] had a screening a few weeks ago for the higher-ups and crew and family, and it went through the roof. It’s awesome. It’s the super hero movie to beat this summer. I’m not shilling, I’m just being told by my sources that are unbiased. They hear that it is dope.”
Considering that this came straight from one of Latino Review’s reporters, I don’t find much cause to doubt this news. As we’ve said before, they’re a very reliable site. If this news is true, then I just got a lot more excited. Superman is my favorite super hero, and it’s been much too long since we saw a truly great Superman movie. It’s also going up against some hefty opponents, like Iron Man 3, Thor 2: The Dark World, and The Wolverine. I hope that Snyder’s Man of Steel makes everyone remember why Superman is so important. Our culture really needs him back right now.
Man of Steel is directed by Zack Snyder, produced by Christopher Nolan, and written by David S. Goyer, and is set to debut in theaters on June 14th, 2013.
Source: Fox News Latino