Warning!  Walking Dead Season 4 Spoilers Ahead!  Do not scroll down if you don’t want to know!

Walking Dead Season 4

Some spacing for those with bigger monitors and/or eyes that wander…this is to protect the innocent…





Don’t lurk any further lest ye be spoiled!!!





Lots of spoilers are starting to appear on the net regarding the next season of AMC’s extremely popular/successful The Walking Dead.  Things really picked up in season 3 with the prison and Governor storylines, so the question obviously becomes whether momentum will be maintained.

The answer? Things sound positive.  This viewer slash news reporter thinks that season 3 really rocked in terms of zombie action but was a bit lacking in character development.  Aspects from the comics like Rick’s degradation into slight insanity because of and recovery from Lori’s death were a bit glossed over.  For instance, phantom phone calls did pop up on our TV screens but were likely met with eye rolls from anyone not familiar with the source material.  And Lori being an extremely disliked character in her television incarnation probably didn’t help the whole scenario either, as her comic book death and Rick’s subsequent adjustment to it had way more impact in printed form.  That’s why it’s encouraging to learn that character development will once again be more of a focal point for Walking Dead Season 4.  After all, the title of the show and comic doesn’t really refer to zombies.  (And am I the only one that actually liked the slow burn of season 2?  Herschel’s farm wasn’t that bad… it was certainly better than an underdeveloped Michonne and Andrea’s somewhat weak exit.)

Walking Dead Season 4

In other aspects regarding Walking Dead Season 4, the Governor is set to return, which is very positive news.  Some may grunt and groan about not moving on from the prison and Governor storylines but one can’t deny that the Governor character has potential that was just starting to manifest in David Morrissey’s interpretation   There’s a lot of room to grow into full-on crazy in terms of the actor going full bore with the material and character, and while reception to the television Governor was lukewarm at first, Morrissey really began to make the role his own by the end of the season three.  Given both the series’ adherence to and deviation from the comic book plot lines, lots of really exciting things are on the horizon as Rick and the rest of the Grimes gang gear up to face off with old Patchy again.

There’s plenty more Walking Dead news floating around regarding new characters, locations and heightened zombie threats that Renegade Cinema is sure to report on in the coming days/weeks/months.  Filming on Walking Dead Season 4 in Georgia has already begun with the same October premiere timeframe to look forward to.  Stay tuned and avoid those undead herds!

Source: Wetpaint