While Vin Diesel has been attached to star in the Kojak movie adaptation, based on the 70s TV series, for some time but the film still hasn’t found a director. That hasn’t stopped Diesel from making his own suggestion as to who he thinks it should be. He was recently asked by a fan on his Facebook page what director he would like to work with, Diesel simply replied “Kojak… New York… Ang Lee…”. It should be noted, however, that Ang Lee has yet to comment on this bit of news and at this point has given no indication that he’s even interested in a Kojak movie.
Honestly though, I don’t see it happening. Lee’s movies (good or bad) have a tendency to be incredibly ambitious and frankly a Kojak movie doesn’t really seem to fit the bill. Also, the last time he got involved with a big studio action movie (if Diesel is involved I highly doubt it’ll be a drama) we got The Hulk which had been such a big disappointment that Lee almost retired from directing altogether.
Even if Lee was interested Diesel would have to wait a little while since Lee is currently working on a 3D boxing epic. Diesel may want to go a little further down his wishlist on this one.
Do you think Ang Lee should direct another action movie? Should it be the Kojak movie? Give us your thoughts in the comment section below.
Source: Slashfilm