One of the best aspects of X2: X-Men United was basically every action scene involving Nightcrawler. Back when I was in high school, I remember watching the opening scene where his character ambushes the White House and just being blown away. Thankfully, according to an interview with James McAvoy, Alan Cummings may in-fact return as the character again in Days of Future Past.

While interviewing with Heat Radio, McAvoy had the following to say:

“It’s huge, the cast is huge. You got me, [Jennifer Lawrence, Michael Fassbender,] Nicholas Hoult will be back and he’s just blossoming massively over [in america]. Patrick Stewart, Ian Mckellen, Halle Berry, Alan Cumming, Peter Dinklage I hear mentioned – I don’t know if that’s happening – “Huge” Jackman is coming by. He’s massive, 7’5″ and muscle-ly.”

What I find interesting, is that it seems that McAvoy might have accidentally let this info slip. Whether the statement is actually true I suppose will be determined once production rolls on the sequel. If Nightcrawler is returning then this is just further reason to get pumped for this movie. This may end up as the biggest X-Men film ever.

Here is the interview below! The X-Men stuff begins at 4:44.

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X-Men: Days of Future Past is scheduled to hit theaters July 18, 2014!

Would you like to see Nightcrawler return? Tell us below!

Source: Comic Book Movies