There has been a ton of news coming out of CinemaCon. One of the biggest is a Star Wars movie news update from Disney spokesman Alan Horn. According to Horn, Disney plans to have the next three Star Wars films out before the end of the decade– with scheduled releases for 2015, 2017 and the final entry for 2019. He further added that between the major central releases, “we expect to have pictures derived from that universe,”– meaning spin-offs — which means starting 2015 we can expect a Star Wars property every year.
There is still no confirmation on what spin-offs are chosen for the next saga, but I would place my money on Han Solo. That being said, this schedule sounds a bit rushed for a J.J. Abrams timeline. Abrams is known for wanting to take his time on directorial efforts, so this could cause conflicts. Remember, his hesitation with the Star Trek schedule?
Either way, looks like we’re about to have a massive dose of Star Wars headed our way. What do you think about this Star Wars movie news? What major spin-offs are you hoping for? Tell us below!
Star Wars VII is scheduled to return Summer 2015!
Source: LA Times