It’s only been seven years since the last terrible Frank Miller-RoboCop comic book mercifully received its final issue, and this August BOOM! Studios is looking to reclaim the magic. Frank Miller, along with Steven Grant, Korkut Öztekin and Declan Shalvey have been announced as the creative team behind the upcoming project RoboCop: Last Stand.
We don’t know for sure is Frank Miller is the writer yet, so not all hope is lost — maybe he’s just doing covers. Steven Grant has written RoboCop comics in the past, as well.
Can we give Frank Miller a rest already? He did The Dark Knight Returns and Sin City and THAT’S IT. If he’s not doing any new Sin City material then I don’t give a shit. Give someone else a chance to misinterpret RoboCop, will you?
Hey maybe this will be a crossover with the Arnold Schwarzenegger flop from earlier this year — a sort of “worst of” from relics left over from the ’80s.