The producers of The Walking Dead are doing a lot to keep the identity of who Negan killed in the season 6 finale a big secret. They have threatened legal action against one Facebook page and now it turns out that they have spent extra money to disguise who the victim of Negan’s bat Lucille really was.
The Hollywood Reporter revealed that the production team filmed the death of all 11 of the characters involved in that big final death scene. That means that Negan killed Rick, Carl, Daryl, Michonne, Abraham, Sasha, Aaron, Maggie, Glenn, Eugene, and Rosita on camera. The Walking Dead producers already obviously decided who they killed, as Season 7 is now underway. This way just a way to allow them to cover up any leaked footage by claiming that all the characters died at least once on camera.
In spoilers for the comics, it was Glenn that Negan killed with Lucille. In the TV show, there are different options for Negan to kill, including Daryl, who isn’t even in the comic books. Daryl is responsible for most of the deaths of Negan’s men on The Walking Dead TV show, making hm a big target. On the other hand, it was Glenn who died in the comics at the hand of Negan in issue #100 of The Walking Dead.
The extra death scenes that the producers shot is added to the fact that AMC has threatened to sue the people who run the Facebook site The Spoiling Dead Fans. The threats are for posting what AMC claims is copyrighted spoilers when it comes to the death revelation.
Luckily, the report in the Hollywood Reporter also says that Walking Dead fans won’t get strung along as bad as when Glenn hid under the dumpster to avoid his death earlier in the season.
According to Jeffrey Dean Morgan, who plays Negan, the identity of the dead character will be revealed at the start of the first episode of the seventh season. Also, according to creator Robert Kirkman, the death is someone beloved by everyone, which should rule out people like Aaron, Sasha, Rosita, and possibly Eugene and Abraham.

[Photo by Gene Page/AMC]
Also mentioned in the same story is information about how Negan will be dealt with when The Walking Dead Season 7 starts. This is a good question because Negan’s language is colorful to put it nicely and crude to be completely honest. That will be interesting to see since producers said the Season 6 DVD will have a special feature that shows the entire speech, including all the F-bombs Negan shot off in that full-length diatribe.
The Walking Dead will return to AMC in October where fans will finally learn who Negan killed with Lucille and which beloved cast member will leave the show.
[Photo by Gene Page/AMC]