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David Fincher’s ‘Gone Girl’ First Production Image

The highly anticipated David Fincher film Gone Girl has just released their first production image.  Gone Girl is an adaptation of the Gillian Flynn novel of the same name and centers around a guy (Ben Affleck) whose beautiful wife (Rosamund Pike) disappears on the night of their fifth anniversary and suspicion quickly falls onto the husband.  Gone Girl will be released in theaters on October 3rd, 2014.

Admittedly I haven’t read the book yet, but it’s now definitely on my to do list.  While the plot does in fact seem interesting, at this point, I don’t even really care what it’s about.  If David Fincher is directing it, I’m going to see it regardless.  Even his lesser works are pretty solid and his better ones are modern classics.  This also seems like an interesting role for Affleck and it will probably help my confidence in him if he has at least one more chance to remind me that he’s a decent actor before becoming the Caped Crusader.

Do you think Fincher will add Gone Girl to his list of classics?  Have you had a chance to read the book yet?  Do you think Affleck is a good choice for the lead?  Let us know your thoughts in the comment section below.

Source: Collider

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