The popular DC comic book series Sleeper created by Sean Phillips and Ed Brubaker is now on track for its own movie adaptation. While that’s not necessarily big news on its own, Ben Affleck and Matt Damon have now signed on to produce the film for Warner Brothers. They have also hired the writing team of Shawn Ryan and David Wiener to pen the script as well.
The series takes place in a noir setting where some people have suddenly developed superpowers. One such person is Holden Carver, who has the power to absorb pain and pass it on to others. He is sent to infiltrate a powerful crime syndicate for the government agency International Operations. However, his loyalties are quickly questioned as he makes his way through the criminal ranks and falls the also super-powered Miss Misery.
The project has been in development for some time now going as far back as 2008 and at one point even had Tom Cruise attached to star. While no actors or directors have been hired yet, the presence of Affleck and Damon as producers is a pretty strong indicator that Warner Brothers strongly wants Sleeper to make it to theaters. Lately though, it seems like Warner Bros. has been trying to get as many DC properties on the screen as possible without much (if any) thought to quality.
Admittedly, I don’t really know much about this comic book but this does seem like an interesting series. If and when it does end up being filmed, I’ll be pretty anxious to see how the final product turns out.
Are Affleck and Damon the right people to produce the Sleeper comic book movie? How do you feel about the amount of DC properties being adapted? Tell us your opinion in the comment section below.
Source: Comics Alliance