For several years, The Crow remake has bounced around in various stages of development, with different directors. Recently, the project has begun to pick up steam. F. Javier Guiterezz (Before the Fall) was recently attached to direct the project for Reletavity Media, and the Weinsteins. Shortly after, it was rumored James McAvoy would fill the role of Eric Draven (The Crow). Now, it appears McAvoy himself has spoken up on the nature of his involvement with the remake.

Getty Images had the chance to find out more during a recent interview with the actor When asked if taking on the role was a possibility, the actor had this to say. 

“It’s not for real,…I don’t think it’s materialized into anything truthful yet… it’s just been rumour mill stuff.

Take that information as you please, but notice how he doesn’t say that he would refuse the project. Honestly, McAvoy is the most intriguing candidate I’ve heard mentioned so far. The idea of what he would bring to The Crow persona sets the imagination on fire. Hopefully the studio has a strong enough script to entice him.

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Source: Getty Images