Writers: Alfonso Cuarón, Jonás Cuarón
Stars: Sandra Bullock, George Clooney, Ed Harris
Last night, I finally received the blessing of getting to watch one of my all-time favorite directors return to the big-screen after seven long years. The last time Alfonso Cuaron made a motion picture, he gave us a haunting glimpse at the future with his sci-fi masterpiece Children of Men. I still hold that film as one of the most spectacular theatrical visions I’ve ever witnessed. With that film, Cuaron utilized fantastic technical advances to enhance single shot sequences, thus heightening the tension and realism of the film’s spectacle.
Which leads me to Cuaron’s latest effort, Gravity. Much like 2009’s Avatar, the film Gravity has been in development for many years, with actors and actresses dropping on and off the project several times. That said, the film is finally here, and although it shares the same technical progressions that Children of Men demonstrated, Gravity over-extends itself as a technical masterpiece, rather than a narrative one. Just like Avatar, it breaks new ground in transporting us to another place, but provides a no-brainer screenplay with little thought in its structure and/or originality.
Then there is Ryan Stone (Sandra Bullock) who is the engineer for the NASA mission, and also the central character to this survival story. I know I’ll probably get so much crap for this, but very few moments in this film did she convince me that she was a competent select for this mission, reason being I’m pretty sure her psyche evaluation would’ve raised some red flags with some of the circumstances they bring up about her past. NASA takes absolutely no risks when it comes to these missions.
Anyway, tension begins to rise as Mission Control (Voiced by Ed Harris) begins dispatching that a Russian satellite was taken out by a missile, and the debris could be a potential danger to the space walk. Moments later, the danger becomes real, and the crew has to abort the mission as soon as possible. The film then heads into an unrelenting portrayal of how dangerous space can be, but that’s pretty much it. Get ready for a ninety minute explanation of why space sucks, with no feelings or remorse whether anyone lives or dies.
Problem is, Gravity suffers from the same issues as Avatar did back in 2009. So much emphasis was placed on creating a three-dimensional world, and creating the environment that transports us to that world that we end up with two-dimensional characters and storytelling. When characters experience trauma or tragedy, there’s no emotional connection. You feel absolutely nothing if someone were to live or die, and that includes both main characters played by Clooney and Bullock. Are you feeling the tension while watching? Yes, only because the technical department made you feel that way, not because the writing or acting made you give a sh*t.
Don’t get me wrong, Clooney and Bullock did the best with what they were given, and even Sandra “tried” to rise to the occasion. Unfortunately, they were only cast to bring in a profit for the film and it shows. If half of the work was put into casting and writing, then maybe I could call this a well rounded picture. Another example is the addition of Ed Harris as mission control. It’s almost like someone remembered Apollo 13, and lazily decided to throw his voice in there. Just for the record though, let it be known that I love Ed Harris.
The editing is also brilliantly crafted as one would expect from an Alfonso Cuaron movie. The opening sequence is one of the best in a long time executing a 17 minute continuous tracking shot which will melt your face off. It’s just so deliciously photographed and perfectly accomplished that I could watch that sequence alone a thousand times.
I realize it sounds as if I didn’t enjoy this film, and let me be clear this is not the case. There is a lot to enjoy about Gravity, and a lot of technical achievements to praise it for. Technicalities aside, the film lacks any real weight, making the plot and character development as light as the gravity within the film itself. For that reason, I can’t say I love this movie. Especially, when director’s like Ang Lee showed how a film can be technically driven, as well as incorporating a compelling narrative with last year’s Life of Pi.