It looks like the X-Men Universe will start to tie together in much the same way that Marvel has tied their properties together. It was already announced that a post-credit sequence in Wolverine will hint to X-Men: Days of Future Past. It also looks like an X-Force movie might be coming and that there are big things in store for the X-Men at Fox. Now, the latest news is that the villain Apocalypse will play a major role in the upcoming movies.

Comic-Con 2013 X-MenThe rumors come from the site Unleash the Fanboy, and they say that a source at Fox informed them that he will play a big part in the expanded X-Men universe and that the Avengers movies are the template here. They also refused to comment on whether he would appear in X-Men: Days of Future Past, and said fans will have to “wait and see.”

Bryan Singer also seemed nervous when Bleeding Cool asked about this awhile back, so there is a good chance this could be an honest hint of things to come.

Apocalypse first appeared in the pages of X-Factor, a comic that reunited the original X-Men back together again (Cyclops, Jean Grey, Iceman, The Beast, Angel). He was pulling the strings, and while he was going to be a throw-away villain, he grew in popularity and became a major player in the X-Men universe. He is also a major villain in the Cable comic books, which could tie in with the X-Force series easily if that is what is coming next.

What do you think of Apocalypse being the main enemy pulling the strings in the X-Men universe? Let us know below.

Source: unleashthefanboy