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Kurt Sutter Talks Possible Sons of Anarchy Prequel


Sons of Anarchy prequelAt a recent conference, Kurt Sutter spoke about a rumored Sons of Anarchy prequel. That show would focus on the First 9, which features members like Clay, Piney, and Jax’s father John Teller.

“Right now, it is just conversations. I want to let the property rest for a year or so after Sons is over before jumping in, I don’t know if it will be a series or a limited series of say 10 to 13 episodes”.

Sons of Anarchy will begin it’s 6th season in September, and rumor has had it for a few years that Sutter wants it to go for 7 seasons.

I hope this comes to fruition, because Kurt Sutter is a hell of a writer, and Sons of Anarchy is one of the greatest TV shows of all time. Seeing how the club itself started in the 70’s, where everything was in a lawless uproar, a Sons of Anarchy prequel would be incredible.

Source: Deadline


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