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Sterling Gates Back at DC Comics with ‘Vibe’

I have a soft spot for DC Comics writer Sterling Gates. Back when I was in college, I bought all my comic books from a local comic book store called Speeding Bullet Comics. The place is owned by a friend of mine named Matt Price and the guy who worked there while I was buying comics was a fellow student named … Sterling Gates.

Well, Gates is a true success story. He went to California and was out one night drinking with a friend of his. It just so happened that a man named Geoff Johns was also in the restaurant they ended up at and they struck up a conversation about comics.

See, Sterling Gates was an aspiring comic book writer, and despite his friend making a fool of himself, Gates made an impression on Johns. He ended helping Gates get hired to work on “Blade: The Series,” which Johns was producing.

Sterling eventually ended up getting some nice gigs at DC Comics, including a short story for the Green Lantern Corps series, writing the Supergirl series, and also serving as a co-writer on the War of the Supermen story line.

The Supergirl work was his defining moment, taking a historically bland character and making it into one of the best comics in DC at the time. After his Supergirl stint ended, Gates wrote the short-lived Hawk & Dove with Rob Leifeld for the DC New 52.

After leaving that title, he has been conspicuous by his absence, although Matt Price mentioned to me that Gates had some personal indie projects he was eyeing. Gates also helped some local indie Oklahoma filmmakers with a superhero film they are working on called Posthuman (which you can help by donating to by clicking the link).

Now, Sterling Gates is back with DC Comics and is working on Vibe.

And I was happy to take over. Geoff Johns asked me to write this book after he and Andrew left, and I was thrilled to do it. Incredibly humbled and thankful. I said on Twitter that issue one was one of the best first issues I’ve ever read and I stand by that. It’s just a great pilot issue. When Geoff asked me to take over, I was psyched, and I’m thankful DC gave me the opportunity.

We’re going to explore what it’s like to have to grow up quickly, faster than you think you have to grow up. Sometimes growth is thrust upon us when we’re not expecting it. Cisco is very suddenly recruited into a massive government organization and told he’s the only person in the world who can identify and track inter-dimensional breachers. What does that do to you, as a young man? And what happens if you are asked to track down someone who’s innocent?

I think people will be surprised how important Vibe is, not only to the Justice League of America, but to the greater DCU. Vibe’s going to be a key player in the bigger picture. I’m working very, very closely with Geoff to make sure this book fits in snugly with his Justice League plans while still standing on its own. It’s a lot of fun to go into the DC West offices and break story with him.

For the rest of the Sterling Gates interview, visit Newsarama.

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