In what has to be hugely disappointing news for fans of genre television shows, NBC has cancelled the comic book TV show Constantine after only one season. It is almost hard to believe that, at one time, Constantine was just as popular of a comic book character as Batman and Superman. However, this also proves that the comic book audience is not nearly big enough to help a TV show survive without mainstream appeal.
It is also proof that NBC never really gave Constantine a chance, dumping it on Friday nights in the death slot. However, Constantine may not be dead after all. Variety reported yesterday that Marc Guggenheim, the showrunner for Arrow, which is wrapping up its third season on the CW, is considering bringing the character of Constantine, at least as a guest, to Arrow.
“There’s a lot of desire on everyone’s part,” Guggenheim said about bringing Constantine into the fold. “It would be wonderful and we certainly have a million ideas — it’s hard for me to say mainly because A: it’s not my decision to make and B: with ‘Constantine’ being shopped around to other networks… it’s really hard to make plans when a show’s kind of in limbo.”
This would be great news. Unlike NBC, who dropped the ball with Constantine, the CW knows how to promote their comic book properties, all of which are great fun. Outside of the fantastic Arrow, they have the extremely entertaining Flash, the quirky but fun iZombie and have just picked up DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, which will feature characters introduced in Flash and Arrow, including Atom (Brandon Routh) and Dr. Martin Stein (Victor Garber). It will all be led by the time traveling superhero Rip Hunter.
Add in Supergirl on CBS and both Gotham and Lucifer on FOX and it is clear that Marvel may rule the movie theaters but DC Comics rules the small screen.
As for the thought of Constantine being shopped around, there has been thought of someone like SyFy picking it up and renaming it Hellblazer, which is what the actual comic was called anyway.
What are your thoughts about Matt Ryan continuing on with Constantine on other shows? Would you rather see Constantine picked up by another network? Let us know your thoughts below.