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Starlord to join Captain America at children’s hospital

Super Bowl bet

Chris Evans is a huge New England Patriots fan. Chris Pratt is a giant Seattle Seahawks fan. When the Patriots and Seahawks prepared to face off, it caused a little Twitter battle between Captain America and Starlord. The two decided on a little wager. However, the Chris Evans and Chris Pratt Super Bowl bet wasn’t for money, but for sick kids.

If the Seahawks won the game, Evans would head to Seattle to visit a children’s hospital in full Captain America costume. If the Patriots won, Pratt would show up at a Boston children’s hospital, not only in Starlord attire, but also wearing a Tom Brady jersey.

The two then went to the game together, which resulted in this fun photo from Twitter:

Now, this photo was during the game, so Chris Evans smile had nothing to do with the fact that the Seattle Seahawks lost the game due to the dumbest call of all time at the end. However, Seattle did lose and now Starlord will visit some sick kids in a Tom Brady jersey.

Honestly, this is just awesome. With all the crap that celebrities do these days that puts a black eye on the entertainment industry, it is awesome to see a couple of guys actually do something good for their communities. What will make this even cooler is if Captain America shows up in Seattle anyway – just because.

** EDITED to say that my wish came true:

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