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Aquaman Movie in the Works, 2 Screenplays in Development

Aquaman movie

DC Comics

Last week, Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice director Zack Snyder called into a Detroit radio program and defended Aquaman from the disc jockeys that were making fun of him. Now, with the Jason Mamoa Aquaman rumors for Batman V Superman still hot and heavy, The Hollywood Reporter reported an exclusive scoop from Warner Bros. that there are two different scripts for a standalone Aquaman movie in the works.

With Justice League and Wonder Woman almost guaranteed as two of the upcoming DC Comics movies, it sounds like Aquaman is now a lock as well to come sometime soon. The dates of the DC Comics releases includes Batman V Superman on March 25, 2016, a second movie on Aug. 5, 2016, two more in 2017 (June 23 and Nov. 17) and then two more each year until 2020.

Right now, we are looking at Batman V Superman, Justice League, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Justice League: Dark, possibly a Flash/Green Lantern team up movie, Man of Steel 2, Justice League 2, a solo Batman movie, and a rumored Shazam movie with Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson attached. Of course, the only thing here that is a lock is Batman V Superman and Justice League.

However, it looks like Aquaman is coming. The reason there are two different screenwriters working on the movie is because Warner Bros. wants to take little chances and they plan to use whichever script is the better of the two. The studio used two screenwriters to write Tarzan in Adam Cozad and Craig Brewer and ended up fusing the two into one movie, with Cozad’s action and Brewer’s characterization.

The Hollywood Reporter received no comment from Warner Bros. but report that Will Beall (Gangster Squad) and Kurt Johnstad (300) are the rumored screenwriters working on two versions of an Aquaman movie. Do either of these writers give you any security that an Aquaman movie will work? Do you even want to see the King of Atlantis on the big screen? Chime in below with your comments.

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