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Soska Sisters Sign on for Painkiller Jane

Soska Sisters

The Soskas continue relationship with WWE

The Soska Sisters are pure awesomeness in almost every way. They kicked off their career with a movie called Dead Hooker in a Trunk, went on to make the awesome American Mary, and have the WWE Studios films See No Evil 2 starring Kane and Vendetta, starring The Big Show coming up. Now, the sisters are signing on to direct the movie adaptation of Painkiller Jane.

This is pretty awesome news since the Soska Sisters are two of the best filmmakers working today when it comes to portraying strong female characters. Based on the comic book by Jimmy Palmiotti and Joe Quesada, Painkiller Jane tells the story of a cop who goes undercover in a drug ring with her best friend and partner. She is exposed and tortured and comes out with regeneration abilities and a high tolerance for pain.

Painkiller Jane / Dynamite Entertainment

The Soska Sisters are just a perfect choice for this subject matter. Dead Hooker in a Trunk was one of the best of the new breed of exploitation horror movies when it came out and American Mary proved that the sisters knew that cinema needed stronger female characters.

In an interview with Renegade Cinema, the Soska Sisters said that they wanted to create smart women in their horror sequel See No Evil 2, the kind of characters, not just women, who wouldn’t investigate some forbidding sound just for the sake of propelling a weak story – intelligent human beings reacting to abnormal, horrifying incidents.

Those kind of thoughts is what could make Painkiller Jane rise above the female driven horror movies that don’t take their lead characters as seriously as male-driven movies. Don’t expect the Soska Sisters to make Painkiller Jane into a character that has things happen to her. Expect them to create something that will have her doing all kinds of very bad things to the bad guys.

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