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‘Batman V. Superman’ Rumors Galore Hit Online

Wonder Woman

Okay, so here’s the deal! A huge scoop hit the web over at JoBlo today and it has a lot of juicy tidbits about the upcoming Batman V.Superman film due out in 2016. We have a lot to cover, so let’s not waste any time and get right into it.

Heads up… Some of this may be spoilerish!


So, the first set of details involve Gal Gadot’s portrayal of Wonder Woman:

The source says that Wonder Woman will not only have one, two, three… but four weapons in the film, including a shield, sword, spear, and the character famous lasso to top it off. The site also explains that the shield shall be worn Captain America style–on her back — when not in use. They further explain narratively, the character will be introduced as “Diana” in the film and will evolve later to Wonder Woman. Not to mention, her role in the final battle will be a major one, which is said to involve an unknown adversary being controlled by Lex Luthor. Her origins are described as ambiguous in the film, but the goal is to show that the universe holds more superheroes besides Superman himself. Sounds interesting to say the least.


Then there is Ben Affleck’s Batman:

Who is described as a crime fighter who will stop at nothing to get justice completed, which puts him at odds with Superman, who wants to follow the rules of justice and order. They also have details on Wayne Manor, the Batcave, and much more. Wayne is said to have a cottage by a body of water he chooses to live in, instead of Wayne Manor– although Wayne Manor is very much present in the film. Underneath the cottage is the Batcave with all the famous toys of Batman, including Batmobile, Batwing, and all his weaponry. No description of character motivations or how Batman will play in the film, but this is fascinating details regardless. Plus, it possibly confirms Bruce Wayne as being a bit of a shut-in from the rest of society.


Then there is the bad boy of the film, Lex Luthor:

Who JoBlo describes as being more of a “narcissist” than the usual criminal mastermind of the previous films. Lex is said to believe he is God’s gift to mankind, and the best of the human race, which leads to his overwhelming hatred for Superman. Due to Superman being “God-Like”, it makes Lex insecure and motivates him to try and ruin Superman’s public image by making him out as a threat. Allegedly, Lex Luthor succeeds with a number of people, while others still have faith in Superman.


Now, keep in mind this is all still classified as rumor, but if true, this is some pretty cool stuff. It actually sounds a lot better than I imagined. What I want to hear, is how they plan to incorporate Jason Momoa’s Aquaman in the picture. As of right now, the film already feels cluttered just seeing the details above alone, much less the characters we haven’t heard about. Either way, let’s hope WB/DC surprise us come 2016!

What do you think about these Batman V. Superman rumors? Will this have a fighting chance against Captain America 3? Chime-in below!

Source: JoBlo

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